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Club Finder Manoa

Table of contents


The problem: UH Manoa has over 200 registered independent organizations, plus many more that do not have this “official” status but are nonetheless active organizations. Unfortunately, there is no easy way for students to learn what student clubs exist, what they do, and how to get further involved.

The solution: The Club Finder Manoa application provides a centralized directory for UH Manoa student clubs. UH Manoa students can log in to browse a well-organized directory of all current student clubs, with brief descriptions, meeting times and locations, URLs to their websites (if any), and contact information for officers.

Club Finder Manoa has three user roles, all of whom log in with their UH ID:

The site allows users to browse the list of clubs in alphabetical order as well as filter by interest, eg. “athletic” clubs, “art” clubs, “music” clubs, etc. A club can belong to multiple interest areas, making it easier for users to find.

Admins can monitor the site for inappropriate content, create and edit clubs, and create new categories of interests.

User Guide

This section provides a walkthrough of the Club Finder Manoa user interface and its capabilities.

Landing Page

The landing page is presented to users when they visit the top-level URL to the site.

Sign In / Sign Up

Club Finder Manoa requires students to log in to access club information. Users are required to have an email to create an account. To log in, click “Login” in the upper right corner of the page. If you are a returning user, select “Sign In” and the sign in page will be displayed:

Alternatively, if you are a new user, select “Sign up” and you will be directed to a page where you can create a new account:

My Clubs Page

After logging in, you are taken to the “My Clubs” page. This page displays all the clubs that the user has marked as saved:

All Clubs Page

Selecting “All Clubs” in the navbar will direct you to a page displaying a list of all of the clubs stored in the application’s database:

Club Page

You can select a club from the list to see a specific club’s page. This page displays more information about the club, including contact information, other users who have saved the club, meeting times, and upcoming events:

Profile Page

Users can view their profile and edit profile information by selecting “Profile” in the navbar:

Admin Page

Site administrators have access to a special admin page where they can change a user’s “Club Admin” status, reset a user’s passwords, and delete a user’s account.

Edit Club Page

Site administrators and club administrators can access the “Edit Club” page, where they can update the club’s information.

Community Feedback

We asked 5 University of Hawaii students to give their impressions and feedback for the “Club Finder Manoa” application. To prevent any bias, we asked students who have not taken ICS 314 - Software Enginnering I, as they have experienced creating similar projects. Overall, feedback was positive. All users agreed that the core functionality of providing a centralized database for students to find information on all the RIOs (Registered Independent Organizations) available for them to join has been fully implemented. Club admin testers were fully satisfied with the ability to create and edit their club pages.

Positive comments include:

Some possible improvements are:

Developer Guide

This section provides information of interest to Meteor developers wishing to use this code base as a basis for their own development tasks.


First, install Meteor.

Second, visit the Club Finder Manoa application github page, and click the “Use this template” button to create your own repository initialized with a copy of this application. Alternatively, you can download the sources as a zip file or make a fork of the repo. However you do it, download a copy of the repo to your local computer.

Third, cd into the club-finder-manoa/app directory and install libraries with:

$ meteor npm install

Fourth, run the system with:

$ meteor npm run start

If all goes well, the application will appear at http://localhost:3000.

Application Design

Club Finder Manoa is based upon bowfolios.


The config directory is intended to hold settings files. The repository contains one file: config/settings.development.json.

This file contains default definitions for Clubs and Users and the relationship between them.

The settings.development.json file contains a field called “loadAssetsFile”. It is set to true, which means that the data in the file app/private/clubs.json will also be loaded. If you change this value to false, the default clubs will not be loaded.

Quality Assurance


Club Finder Manoa includes a .eslintrc file to define the coding style adhered to in this application. You can invoke ESLint from the command line as follows:

meteor npm run lint

Here is sample output indicating that no ESLint errors were detected:

$ meteor npm run lint

> meteor-application-template-react@ lint /Users/destyneefagaragan/Documents/GitHub/club-finder-manoa/app
> eslint --quiet --ext .jsx --ext .js ./imports && eslint --quiet --ext .js ./tests


ESLint should run without generating any errors.

It’s significantly easier to do development with ESLint integrated directly into your IDE (such as IntelliJ).

End to End Testing

Club Finder Manoa uses TestCafe to provide automated end-to-end testing.

The Club Finder Manoa’s end-to-end test code employs the page-object-model design pattern. In the club finder manoa tests/ directory, the file tests.testcafe.js contains the TestCafe test definitions. The remaining files in the directory contain “page object models” for the various pages in the system (i.e. Home, Landing, Interests, etc.) as well as one component (navbar). This organization makes the test code shorter, easier to understand, and easier to debug.

To run the end-to-end tests in development mode, you must first start up a Club Finder Manoa instance by invoking meteor npm run start in one console window.

Then, in another console window, start up the end-to-end tests with:

meteor npm run testcafe

You will see browser windows appear and disappear as the tests run. If the tests finish successfully, you should see the following in your second console window:

$ meteor npm run testcafe

> meteor-application-template-react@ testcafe C:\Users\gwen\Documents\GitHub\club-finder-manoa\app
> testcafe chrome tests/*.testcafe.js

 Running tests in:
 - Chrome / Windows 10

 Club Finder Manoa localhost test with default db
 √ Test that landing page shows up
 √ Test that signup page, then logout works
 √ Test that signin and signout work
 √ Test the All Clubs page
 √ Test the Club Information page
 √ Test the Club save in Club Information page
 √ Test the Club remove in Club Information page
 √ Test the My Club page
 √ Test the Profile page
 √ Test the Profile Edit page
 √ Test Editing Club
 √ Test the Admin page
 √ Test the Admin Password reset
 √ Test the Admin Delete User

 14 passed (3m 30s)


You can also run the testcafe tests in “continuous integration mode”. This mode is appropriate when you want to run the tests using a continuous integration service like Jenkins, Semaphore, CircleCI, etc. In this case, it is problematic to already have the server running in a separate console, and you cannot have the browser window appear and disappear.

To run the testcafe tests in continuous integration mode, first ensure that Club Finder Manoa is not running in any console.

Then, invoke meteor npm run testcafe-ci. You will not see any windows appear. When the tests finish, the console should look like this:

$ meteor npm run testcafe-ci

> meteor-application-template-react@ testcafe-ci C:\Users\gwen\Documents\GitHub\club-finder-manoa\app
> testcafe chrome:headless tests/*.testcafe.js -q attemptLimit=5,successThreshold=2 --app "meteor npm run start"

 Running tests in:
 - Chrome 108.0.5359.99 / Windows 10

 Club Finder Manoa localhost test with default db
 √ Test that landing page shows up
 √ Test that signup page, then logout works
 √ Test that signin and signout work
 √ Test the All Clubs page
 √ Test the Club Information page
 √ Test the Club save in Club Information page
 √ Test the Club remove in Club Information page
 √ Test the My Club page
 √ Test the Profile page
 √ Test the Profile Edit page
 √ Test Editing Club
 √ Test the Admin page
 √ Test the Admin Password reset
 √ Test the Admin Delete User

 14 passed (6m 47s)


All the tests pass, but the first test is marked as “unstable”. At the time of writing, TestCafe fails the first time it tries to run a test in this mode, but subsequent attempts run normally. To prevent the test run from failing due to this problem with TestCafe, we enable testcafe quarantine mode.

The only impact of quarantine mode should be that the first test is marked as “unstable”.

From mockup to production

For a production application, several additional security-related changes must be implemented:

Continuous Integration


Club Finder Manoa uses GitHub Actions to automatically run ESLint and TestCafe each time a commit is made to the default branch. You can see the results of all recent “workflows” at

The workflow definition file is quite simple and is located at .github/workflows/ci.yml.

Development History


View Live Website

Developer Contact

Club Finder Manoa is designed, implemented, and maintained by:

Team Contract

For comments or questions, please contact us via our project’s GitHub.